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Empart - South Asia

Causes: Establishing Congregations, Abolishing Spiritual Poverty, Rescuing Children, Defending Dignity, Providing Sustainable Solutions

Jossy Chacko, Founder and President

We met Jossy Chacko many years ago through Mariners Church. However, it wasn’t until last year that Paul and Paul Jr. had the opportunity to visit the ministry on the ground in South Asia. We were very impressed with the many areas of significant impact they have. We especially value their commitment to serving in some of the most difficult areas to reach.
They also have a very effective self-sustainability game plan where they establish a school and a training center at the same location. The school provides a much-needed service to the local community while at the same time generates revenue to cover the operating costs of the training center.

Mission Statement

In 1995, after a chance encounter with an 8 year-old boy from the slums, Jossy Chacko was deeply impacted by the physical and spiritual depravity he saw in South Asia. Struck by the reality that to truly be a disciple means to fulfill the Great Commission, Empart began in 1997 in the Chacko’s Australian home. Under Jossy’s visionary leadership and passion for the lost, Empart has now grown to over 36,000 communities reached. Since the opening of the first training center in 1999, the mission of Empart has been to reach, restore, release and resource indigenous leaders to be catalysts for transformation.

Empart’s primary objective is to see 100,000 communities transformed in southern Asia by 2030. Empart’s vision is to reach the lost, physically and spiritually. They seek to impact men, women and children through vocational training, children’s homes, schools, spiritual equipping and caste reconciliation.

Community Transformation

Empart is transforming communities by training local leaders who are relevant within the local culture and are truly indigenous in character. A transformed community is defined as having 12 or more members meeting regularly – these are called Established Communities. If people are gathering regularly, but there are less than 12 members, it is known as a Developing Community. Empart currently has more than 17,000 Established and nearly 19,000 Developing communities.

Empart field workers work in various regions throughout southern Asia, with each region in need of resources to enable the workers to effectively reach their communities with the love of Christ. $150 per month fully covers the cost of one field worker and his family.

Rescuing Children

Around 26 million children in South Asia are unwanted, calling the streets their home. These children are living disrupted, difficult lives. They are hungry for love, care and for the Good News. Empart responds to the needs of these children through support partners in the United States.

Caring for children is often a gateway to reaching the children’s equally needy parents and community. Empart provides life-changing resources to vulnerable children through the powerful tool of education. Many villages in South Asia consist of families who are unable to send their children to school. Empart provides hope for a better future by offering quality education through its sponsored village schools.

Abolishing Spiritual Poverty

Empart’s primary goal is to educate and equip 35,000 leaders to transform 100,000 communities by 2030. Through the training received at one of Empart’s

55 Training Centers, local community developers and key women are sent out with the resources they need to transform 3-5 communities each throughout Southern Asia.

Defending Dignity

Southern Asia has a growing population of senior citizens over 60 years old. Poor families are unable to provide for their senior parents, which inevitably leaves the aged population with nowhere to live.

Empart field workers have a deep commitment to taking care of the older citizens, those with mental instabilities and widows as the love of God compels them to provide quality of life to all members of their community, including, medical care, health support, and counseling.

Providing Sustainable Solutions

Deep Tube Wells - With issues such as extreme drought, over-population and a lack of sanitation in many rural areas, there is a scarcity of safe drinking water in many rural towns and villages. Without access to clean water, many suffer needlessly from preventable illnesses and water-borne diseases during times of water shortage.

Empart has committed to drilling deep tube bore wells across southern Asia where chronic drought exists. To date, Empart has drilled 264 wells, impacting 552 villages and more than 50,000 people.

Skill Centers - Empart is making a difference in the lives of women through our Skills Centers and the Sew and Sow Tailoring Program. Each woman who attends is empowered through the teaching of sewing skills and the Word of God.

Sanitation - The lack of improved sanitation impacts vulnerable populations such as persons with disabilities and women, who are more exposed to sexual violence. Lack of private toilets in schools is a major reason why girls do not continue their education once they enter puberty. This is a crisis that contributes to disease, childhood malnutrition, loss of economic output and violence against women.

To help support these communities with safe sanitation facilities, Empart is adopting a very effective toilet design, approved nationally and internationally, that is eco-friendly, socio-culturally acceptable, and economically affordable. In 2019, Empart built 22 new community toilets that will serve over 1,000 people.

Caste Reconciliation - Imagine believing that you were worth less than a rat? What if you were denied the right to education and health care? How would you feel if you were forced to work in hazardous and unhygienic conditions? Or treated like a leper based purely on your caste?

Sadly, this is the reality for thousands of people groups in southern Asia. There are more than 300 million ‘Untouchables’ (they prefer to be called Dalits) who are living in slavery, forced into jobs that are demeaning with no hope for change.

The Caste Reconciliation Movement is an exciting initiative Empart has developed to bring hope to thousands of people living in social and spiritual slavery. Our goal is to bring freedom and change to millions of mistreated and abused people in Asian society.

General Aid & Development – Empart believes in holistic transformation – mental, physical and spiritual. As their workers reach out to their communities with love, they also seek to address the immediate needs of the people. When violence, natural disasters and illness affect the local community, Empart workers are there with food, clothing, blankets and first aid supplies.

To learn more about this ministry or to provide financial support, please visit their website below.


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