We have been working with Missy Williams and the Seed Effect ministry for many years and we greatly value the work they are doing in the settlements in northern Uganda serving South Sudan refugees. The ministry successfully fulfills several important targets that are highly valued by Servant’s Heart Foundation. The first being teaching individuals to fish rather than providing them fish. The second, we really appreciate ministries where the gift keeps on giving for years to come.
Their savings group and business training equip individuals with tools that will not only benefit the recipients but also enrich future generations. The profound Kingdom impact they have is truly remarkable, currently reaching over 88,000 beneficiaries. The ministry delivers exceptional Kingdom returns for every dollar invested. We invite you to explore more about the ministry, which we've shared below.

Seed Effect is a Christ-centered economic development organization.
Their mission is to plant the seeds that overcome poverty by providing access to economic empowerment, education, and spiritual discipleship in marginalized communities around the world.
Their vision is for the world’s most insecure and under-served communities stabilized through economic empowerment and the hope of Jesus Christ. Through Seed Effect’s experience and the success of their program, we are uniquely positioned to act as a catalyst that shifts the response to refugee crises by bringing long-term solutions through Christ-centered, self-sustaining, and empowering tools executed by refugees themselves.
Their goal is not to be the biggest organization of their type, but the “special forces,” pioneering dignifying poverty alleviation to places devoid of this type of empowerment.
Their 3-Year Approach
Þ Year 1 (Saving & Loan): Groups receive foundational training on how to operate their savings and loan groups. The training and accompanying bible study provide a biblical understanding of poverty and hope of restoration in Jesus Christ
Þ Year 2 (Entrepreneurship): Seed Effect trainers empower groups to grow further through entrepreneurship and livelihood training for starting (or improving) a business. Groups also learn a model for studying provided scriptures on their own.
Þ Year 3 (Independence): Seed Effect trainers ensure groups are empowered to thrive independently for years to come. Trainers facilitate any needed connections and help groups think through how they will work towards the goals they have as a group and as individual families.
How Microfinance Works: Without access to banking services, refugees and those trapped in material poverty don’t have a safe place to save for lump sum expenses, like school fees, or a way to access affordable credit to support income generation. Without access to insurance, paying for emergency expenses can be devastating. Broken systems force many of these families to struggle to survive rather than thrive, and, as a result, they lack the opportunity to overcome poverty.
Seed Effect’s Christ-centered savings-led microfinance program provides a safe place for poor households to save and borrow money in order to generate income, as well as Christ-Centered community and spiritual discipleship.
Save: Self-selected groups of 15-25 individuals meet weekly with a Seed Effect trainer to:
o Study God’s Word together.
o Build Christ-centered community.
o Pool their savings
o Contribute to a micro-insurance fund.
Loan: As their savings grows, group members provide interest-bearing loans to each other. These loans are used to:
o Invest in businesses.
o Pay school fees.
o Provide for other household necessities.
o The micro-insurance fund serves as support in case of emergencies.
Share Out: At the end of the cycle their savings and the interest earned is distributed based upon the amount contributed. On average, Seed Effect members report a 30% return on their savings!

To learn more about Seed Effect, please click here to view a ministry video update or visit their website at www.seedeffect.org
-Year Approach
Year 1:
Saving & Loan
Groups receive foundational training on how to operate their savings and loan groups. The training and accompanying Bible study provide a Biblical understanding of poverty and the hope of restoration in Jesus Christ.
Year 2:
Seed Effect trainers empower groups to grow further through entrepreneurship and livelihood training for starting (or improving) a business. Groups also learn a model for studying provided Scriptures on their own.
Year 3:
Seed Effect trainers ensure groups are empowered to thrive independently for years to come. Trainers facilitate any needed connections and help groups think through how they will work towards the goals they have as a group and as individual families.