Cause: Equipping Christian Leaders, Evangelism
Ben Homan, President
We met John Stott 25 years ago and were immediately taken by John’s love for pastors and his mission to train, educate, and provide resources to pastors all over the world. We learned a great deal from John and were blessed by our years of friendship.
John’s ministry had a pastoral retreat in western Wales known as The Hookses. He provided us great insights when we were in the beginning stages of establishing Genesee Home, our pastors retreat that operated for 15 years on the Neff Family Ranch.
Langham’s commitment to pastors and the local church worldwide has had an incredible Kingdom impact. It’s been a privilege to be serving with them for well over 20 years.

John Stott, Founder
Our Mission
Our Mission is to strengthen the ministry of the Word of God through:
Nurturing national movements for training in biblical preaching
Multiplying the creation and distribution of evangelical literature;
Strengthening the theological training of pastors and leaders by qualified evangelical teachers.
Why Langham?
Christianity is spreading rapidly across Africa, Asia and Latin America along with Eastern Europe, China, Russia and the Middle East. In many regions around the world, the growth rate of Christianity exceeds the general population growth. In Asia alone, the growth of Christianity is twice as fast.
Every day tens of thousands start their new lives in Christ. Every week thousands of new churches are planted. This results in a majority of Christians who live outside of the U.S. and Europe.

The church has excelled at overseas missions and evangelism, but the rapid growth has created a critical shortage of biblical leaders and resources. As a result, tens of millions of believers are struggling to grow in Christ.
With no biblical responses to shake them from the world-views of their cultures, believers are vulnerable in their faith. Across Africa and Latin America, the prosperity gospel and other false teaching damages churches, families and communities.
From witchcraft to polygamy, lack of biblical understanding keeps local believers mired in unbiblical, harmful practices and beliefs. Many pastors and leaders have little if any biblical training and are not equipped to shepherd believers to grow in Christ.
As Langham founder John Stott traveled around the world teaching and meeting with global church pastors and leaders, he recognized the growing trend and resulting crisis of leadership through a listening posture that we model today in our walk with the global church.
John Stott — From All Souls to All Souls
Perhaps no one has had as much of an impact on raising the standard of biblical teaching around the world as John Stott – a pastor to pastors, a servant of the global church, and a friend to all those who knew him as “Uncle John.” From his home base at All Souls Church – Langham Place in central London, John Stott has influenced pastors and leaders around the world as a preacher, speaker, and author of more than 50 books and important scholarship—including the landmark Lausanne Covenant.
John Stott understood that Christians must be transformed by the Gospel in order for the Gospel to transform the world – modeling love, compassion, forgiveness and justice for the poor and oppressed. And for Christians to grow in maturity, they need leaders who believe, teach and live by God’s Word – particularly in the global church, rich with vibrant worship, yet lacking in biblical understanding and application.
What We Do
Langham walks with the global church to biblically equip leaders and pastors to multiply disciples. We believe this is best accomplished as God’s people understand and apply God’s Word.
Our response to equip God’s people with God’s Word is three-fold:

Scholars – We equip theological leaders who equip pastors and emerging leaders to multiply disciples.
Pastors – We train local pastors to teach the Bible, equipping pastors to shepherd their churches with God’s Word.

Books – We develop and distribute books to equip leaders and pastors to provide biblical solutions to local issues.
The result is God’s people growing as disciples of Christ and extending the Gospel in their families and communities.
How We Walk with the Global Church
Langham considers it a blessing to come alongside the global church. The way we work around the world can be described as a respectful walk. Langham enters countries and communities only after local church leaders invite us.
We Listen
Langham walks with the global church and listens to local pastors and leaders to understand their needs and the best ways we can serve.

We Partner
Langham partners with local churches, Christian schools, publishers and other ministries to equip local leaders to
respond in the most strategic ways.
We Focus on God’s Word
Everything we do is focused on equipping God’s people with God’s Word, because we believe the application of the Bible through the Holy Spirit brings transformation and grows His Kingdom in both numbers and depth.
We Equip Local Leaders
Langham supports and equips local pastors and leaders who then do the work of multiplying disciples in their nations. This ensures the church survives and continues to grow long after we’re gone.
On Mission with Chris Wright
A New Podcast from Langham Partnership On Mission with Chris Wright features conversations with Christian leaders around the Majority World. Chris Wright, Langham’s International Ministries Director, is a noted theologian and author of more than 30 books, including The Mission of God. Each week, Chris helps listeners discover how much wisdom the church in the west has to gain from their sisters and brothers in villages and towns around the world. Click here to view podcast
To learn more about this ministry or to provide financial support, please visit their website below.