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Global Unites - 13 Nations

Causes: Youth Movement, Transformation, Restoration, Reconciliation

Prashan De Visser, President and Founder

Scroll to bottom of page to see an urgent COVID-19 message

We have been working with Prashan for many years starting with his movement Sri Lanka Unites. At an early age, Prashan was committed to following in his father’s footsteps serving others by becoming a change maker for the next generation worldwide. Prashan has grown the ministry from Sri Lanka to a worldwide youth empowering movement. The success and impact they are having is absolutely incredible, enlisting many volunteers and being excellent stewards of the funds invested in the ministry. They’ve achieved great success in Sri Lanka moving the ministry to self-sustainability. Global Unites has done a great job treating each donation as “the widow's mite” ensuring an excellent Kingdom return of every dollar invested.

Our Mission

To Work Alongside Local Leaders And Transform Conflict By Hosting International Summits, National Conferences, Specialized Workshops And Strategic Trainings To Empower Youth As Agents Of Sustainable Change.

Our Story

It all began as a response to awaken the moderate masses of a nation that had been ravaged by nearly a century of cyclical violence, mistrust, and a brutal civil war. Sri Lanka Unites emerged as the largest youth movement in the country and represented the choice of a new generation who refused to be marked by the darkness of the past. They sought to create a new legacy for their nation and for the next generation. As Sri Lanka Unites continued to grow, the movement found kindred spirits across the globe with youth from other nations who had experienced similar legacies and histories. In these relationships, we found comfort, inspiration, new ideas, boldness, and a new validation of greater dreams for our countries. Today we are the Global Unites family. We know and understand each others’ pain and aspiration. We share both. We also share an urgency and lifelong commitment to respond and transform our nations. To us, these are not acts of charity, a guilt quenching project or a purpose seeking endeavor - this is our life's calling and destiny. We will work tirelessly all the days of our lives until we see the positive transformation of our nations.

Once a fledgeling movement in Sri Lanka is now a growing movement in 13 nations, soon to be 15. Just in the year 2019, our five established movements engaged over 75,000 youth. Over 12,000 of them joined the movement as members and made a commitment to be ambassadors for our cause and say no to violent extremism and hate across ethno-religious lines. Please see the image for summary of our key performance indicators for 2019.

As we look to 2020 we are well positioned to engage many more youth and have greater impact in more countries. We have further refined our strategy, our monitoring and evaluation systems and are going to be even more aggressive this year.

We are also excited about having young adults from local churches playing an active role in our movement and having interaction with more non-christian youth, we are looking to them to serve as mentors and counsellors with the ability of being a profound testimony of the Christ’s love. In a recent study led by Gordon Conwell Theological seminary it was revealed that over 78% of non Christians don’t have a Christian friend. Increasingly many Christian communities are living segregated lives. Therefore, we believe we can open the door to have a meaningful engagement and interaction.


We are looking to launch our first reconciliation center in Uganda. These centers have proven to be crucial for the expansion of our movement in Sri Lanka. We currently have 10 centers in Sri Lanka. These centers give us a base in the community and help invest deeper and more consistently in the lives of these youth. The center will provide training in the 7 modules of Global Unites along with diploma courses in IT, Business Entrepreneurship and careers guidance.

Our Vision

To Inspire, Connect And Equip Youth To Transform Global Societies Through Movements That Promote Hope, Non-Violence And Reconciliation.


An urgent COVID-19 message from Prashan De Visser

Global Unites is launching a Global campaign to respond to the growing issue of hunger and starvation during this COVID-19 pandemic. Large portions of our nation’s live on less than $2 a day. (global poverty line). These families were barely able to put food on the table even before this pandemic. However, this crisis took away their livelihoods that helped that earn $2 each day. Now with no income for over two weeks and no disposable income or savings, they have been pushed to hunger.

In the former war zone in northern Sri Lanka, in the Mullaitivu District, many families have been gravely impacted by this situation. They have been struggling to get their life in order after the war. This district is one of the poorest districts in the entire nation. Many people live under the poverty line and are still recovering from the trauma of a brutal civil war. As our teams went into this community, they were surprised to learn that many families had gone hungry for many days, even though at the time, it was just less than a week since national curfew. These families depend entirely on their

daily wages and had not received any aid or support from anyone. Since the majority of the district lives in the midst of poverty, the capacity of the groups to help one another was also extremely limited. Our teams were able to respond swiftly and have also pushed the local authorities to do their part in finding a sustainable long term solution to help these communities. Our teams have also been distributing vegetable seeds with our food supplies packs and are helping these families grow their own vegetables.

Global Unites, through our local movements and trusted partners, has launched an essential food supplies donation drive. We are committed to coming together as a global family and responding to this crisis. Please donate as you are able and help feed a family during this difficult time.

  • During the next three weeks, we will be providing these services in DRC, Uganda, Kenya, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Guatemala, and Liberia.

  • The average cost to feed a family of four for two weeks is $12.

  • The goal for the next 3 weeks is to raise $60,000

  • This will serve as the Global Unites donation towards these efforts. The local movements will match our donation and a few of the movements are set to exceed it.

  • Together we can ensure that over 20,000 people representing 3 continents don’t go hungry during this pandemic. ( as a result of the $60,000 )

While our nations and governments are reeling in the midst of this devastation. Let’s rally together as a united humanity to provide for those in need.

To learn more about this ministry or to provide financial support, please visit their website by clicking the link or image below.


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