Causes: Wheelchair Distribution, Gift of Mobility
Francis Mugwanya, Founder
Scroll to bottom of page to see an urgent COVID-19 message
We first met Francis over 12 years ago, when he was running a children’s orphanage outside of Kampala. Francis subsequently felt called to start a wheelchair ministry has been the Ugandan distribution partner for Free Wheelchair Mission. At a young age, Francis was severely impacted by polio and has spent most of his life in a wheelchair, which puts him in a very unique position leading a wheelchair distribution ministry.
One of the many things we appreciate about Father’s Heart Mobility, is they partner with local churches in rural communities to distribute wheelchairs all over Uganda. Not only are recipients blessed by receiving a wheelchair, but the local church is strengthened in the community at the same time. We’ve had the privilege of distributing wheelchairs with Francis on many occasions and it is one of the most amazing experiences we have ever had. To personally meet the wheelchair recipients, most of which have spent their lives on the ground, and hear how this gift will change the course of their life is such a rewarding experience.
From Small Beginnings
Our founder, Francis Mugwanya, knows first-hand what it's like to crawl and be looked down upon; his life was forever changed when he was given his first wheelchair at the age of 12. Knowing Jesus and believing in the Word of God transformed the way Francis thought about himself.
As a young adult, from his own meager earnings, he would save his money and buy wheelchairs for people as often as he could (1 wheelchair cost 1.5 months of his salary). After giving away about a dozen wheelchairs the Lord began to draw donors such as Free Wheelchair Mission and Joni and Friends to help out as well.
The Father’s Heart Mobility Ministry was officially founded in 2006 under Gaba Community Church, Uganda. Beginning in 2011 the work of Father’s Heart Mobility Ministry was launched full-time and in 2012 received NGO registration.
People with disabilities are not cursed or second class citizens like so many people in Uganda believe. District by District, month by month, we travel throughout the country challenging world views and showing the love of God. People with disabilities are a treasure to God; we lift them up out of the dirt and give them a seat of honor. We have given over 14,000 people the free gift of mobility and the hope of a better life. But we don't do this alone. You are welcome to join us!
We are raising the esteem and capability among people with disabilities in Uganda through the Church. We exist to:
Share the love of Father God with people with disabilities and to empower them with their true value and potential.
Give people with disabilities aids to mobility in order to maximize their potential.
Train pastors on issues of disability.
Raise public awareness on the causes of disability and to advocate for the integration of people with disabilities into mainstream society.
Advocate for accessibility, medical care, education and employment for people with disabilities.
Our Staff & Volunteers
We have two full-time staff, Peter & Moreen, as well as an enthusiastic and hard working group of youth from Ggaba Community Church who have been trained to help us during each mobility mission. Additionally, when we partner with churches in each District, there are several local volunteers that join us for that week. We also host international teams. "Many hands make light work!"
An urgent COVID-19 message from Francis Mugwanya
While news keeps changing daily, the hardest part at the moment for us is trying to figure out how to help the vulnerable around us. Most Ugandans live day to day. They work all day long then buy something to eat at the end of the day and cook that, going to bed late at night. Some only eat one meal a day as it is. Now no one is allowed to work. These people do not have money in the bank or a fridge to keep food in. We've been hearing from some of them and we started helping.
We decided to just continue our partnership with these churches and ministries because we already have a working relationship with them, we know the kind people they support and they already have a system in place to get to these people quickly.

We are not allowed to go out in our own private cars anymore. And we are not allowed to help give people food - if arrested the charge would be attempted murder! The Government said they will give food starting with Kampala and Wakiso starting tomorrow but the other (130) districts were not catered for and some of these children who can't eat the posho or beans will still needs their special food and special supplies to help them through this time; So please pray for wisdom. We are also seeking special permission from the President to allow the Churches and Ministries to continue taking care of the needy with the guidance of the Local government leaders; without creating crowds to limit the spread of the virus, we got 480 signatures supporting our request so we have submitted it and waiting for a response. The ministries and Churches we are working with can still reach most of their people without drawing attention so they are continuing to help.
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