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Loving Hearts Babies Home - Uganda, Africa

Cause: Rescuing Abandoned Babies

For over 25 years, we desired to be closely involved with a babies’ home who cared for abandoned babies. Twelve years ago, on a mission trip to Uganda, we met Pastor Peter from African Renewal Ministries, who shared a similar dream. Together, we established Loving Hearts Babies Home. For the last 10 years we have cared for over 600 abandoned babies.
LHBH goals:
- Our first goal is to locate the baby’s extended family members and unite them with family if they are willing and able to care for the child.
- Our second goal is to place the baby in a foster home with a local family whose desire is to adopt the child.
- Our third goal is to connect with Christian families worldwide who are interested in adopting a baby from Uganda. We’ve had over 70 babies adopted in the U.S.
Our entire family has traveled to Uganda several times and served at the babies’ home which has been a life changing experience for all of us. Hearing the stories of their rescue and survival, then seeing them now safe, healthy and happy is a truly joyous experience. It is an absolute blessing to be a part of finding a forever family for these precious children of God. We encourage you to read the story of Awesome, see below, to gain greater knowledge of how these babies come to Loving Hearts Babies Home.


Loving Hearts Babies Home is a home for babies ages 0-2 years who are orphaned and/or abandoned. LHBH staff works tirelessly for the reunification of the children (when safe) with parents or extended family members or to find foster care and ultimately Christian forever families through local and International adoption.

Loving Hearts Babies Home is considered a premier baby home in Kampala, which is why police and probation officers often bring abandoned babies to Loving Hearts, as they know they will be cared for well and possibly reunited with a family member.

Reintegrating babies with permanent loving safe families provide proper brain development, good attachment, and bonding, a sense of security, belonging and identification, and a family environment that affirms Christian values. This helps instill character traits and values that produce better future leaders and a stable nation.


The most recent story is a story of a baby named Awesome. Awesome was rescued March 17, 2017 from a hole dug out of the ground for a toilet. He was taken to the emergency room for diagnosis and treatment. Once released, a Probation Officer placed Awesome with Loving Hearts Babies Home to provide him care and protection, and the love of Christ.

You may wonder… Where is he now?

Awesome has been placed with a loving family from Germany and is doing very well! His journey has been a miracle, and while it is unbelievable to most of us, there are many children just like Awesome.

Abandoned at birth on the side of the road, a trash heap, or on the porch of a neighbor. Left for dead if not for God’s gracious intervention, utilizing the police and the sacrificial work of the staff at Loving Hearts Babies Home. It’s truly a place of hope and a life-saver for so many little babies!

Click below to watch an 8 minute documentary of Loving Hearts Babies Home and all they have been doing and will be doing in the lives of countless Ugandan children.

To learn more about this ministry or to provide financial support, please visit their website below.


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