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Wentz Medical Center - Uganda, Africa

Cause: Medical

Dr. Martin Nkundeki

Wentz Medical Center cares for each of the babies that arrives at our Loving Heart’s Babies Home. They provide an incredible service and develop a medical plan to restore each child’s health and well-being.
Dr. Martin is committed to this ministry and serves sacrificially supporting its far-reaching impact. We also especially like the fact they connect with the local church in setting up their medical camps and the local church is strengthened in the community’s eyes as the congregation serves to make the camp successful and impactful. The local church is seen as the bridge, bringing healing and hope to the Village. They take a holistic approach to medical care by bringing the gospel everywhere they serve.

Our Mission

The dream is to establish Community Health Outreach teams out of local churches across Uganda.We believe that by empowering embedded local persons with disease prevention and health promotion information, we are creating resource persons who become lighthouses for the well being of the community

Wentz Medical Center (WMC) is a 24-hour service non-profit mission hospital serving the community of greater Gaba, Kampala, Uganda since 2005. It provides accessible outpatient care services, prenatal and delivery services, and general surgery the majority of which are Cesarean sections. WMC is the home of Renewal Healthcare, a Christ-centered healthcare system treating the sick and empowering communities to attain and sustain a higher quality of life through holistic healthcare. Renewal Healthcare runs medical outreaches, patient assistance programs, church partnerships for community health and has established 4 other medical facilities in rural Uganda with the goal of “Christian medical witness’’.


In 2020, the number of out-patient clients at Wentz Medical Center decreased by 9.5% from 14,587 in 2019 to 13,208 due to the COVID 19 pandemic restrictions. The lock down also blocked community based medical camps for 4 months until COVID19 SOP’s safe guarding the crowds and medical staff were created. Sadly, we soon learned that we had lost 3 Diabetic and Hypertensive patients who fell of the radar of compassionate care due to relocation and travel challenges. Despite the lock down setback, our weekly Health Slum based clinics under the Gaba Community Health program eventually reached 2,470 people in 2020. The emergencies that came through were managed at WMC through the Patients’ Assistance Fund (PAF).

The program currently operates in 6 communities of Ggaba; these are located in Kisenegal, Kawuku, Bunga, Katoogo, Ggaba Trading, and Ggaba Mission.

Covid 19 Success: With support from Servants Heart Foundation, WMC received food aid to feed 200 families of HIV /AIDS patients through Africa Renewal Ministries. As a medical ministry, our response to starving families was to those who also suffer chronic medical conditions that make them vulnerable.

Healthcare Access Opportunities

Often running out of donations, the clinic cannot continue to offer free care to the community. We introduced fee for service to stay afloat, the poorest of our community cannot afford, it would be a lot cheaper for them to go for self-medication or ‘’drug shop” treatments than pay 15000/= (3.5 dollars US) consultation fees for the professional services we offer. In this dilemma the idea of keeping our mission alive through community camps, free health education and home based group teaching plus prevention initiatives for the top killer diseases are interventions we have implemented.

To date, the program has given mosquito bed nets to over 120,000 bed nets in the ‘’Stop the Bite-Stop Malaria’’ initiative. A team of CORPS (Community Owned Resource Persons) are receiving monthly training that will benefit and support their homesteads and the clinics in rural Uganda are also implementing this WMC hub and spoke model to make healthcare work for their communities.

Africa Renewal Ministry (ARM) Child Church Program

Every year, we offer child health assessments and screening to over 6000 ARMs sponsored children in over 10 locations.

In this health Assessment, we check if a child has any health concerns, are on any on-going medications, vaccinations done, vision problems, hearing problems, any disabilities, any chronic conditions and many others. This enables us to know how best we can care and support the child’s healthcare needs.

Medical Camp

Every year our medical camps bring professional care to rural areas that otherwise would not have it. In 2019, with support from Servant’s Heart Foundation we run two major camps; One at Mulete Clinic in Mubende, a district in western Uganda with one of Uganda’s worst health indicators and another at Bethany Clinic, in Mukono, East of Kampala. Managing over 9000 patents, each contact is a gospel opportunity, a healing opportunity, a professional treatment opportunity and a connection of the local church with all the suffering in her community.

This June 2021, as Uganda slides deeper into its 2nd wave and experiences significant mortalities, our healthcare front liners need support more than ever before. Medical care with higher level infection prevention SOP’s is more expensive to set up. Under lockdown chronic care patients get worse with limited access. More people cannot afford healthcare with the economic pain they face. At 10 dollars per patient you can help provide a lifesaving treatment through Renewal Healthcare. For a gift of any amount you can help us continue to be a lighthouse for healthcare in our communities.

To learn more about this ministry or to provide financial support, please visit their website below.


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