Cause: Children in Crisis
Joe Marton, President CHI Canada
Scroll to bottom of page to see an urgent COVID-19 message
We were introduced to Christ Hope by Joe Marton, who is a friend of our daughter Ashley. He had been volunteering for the ministry for many years, which included 3 year’s service in Africa. Two years ago, Joe accepted at full-time position as President CHI Canada. The International organization serves children in some of the most difficult areas setting up care points where they serve in groups of 50 children in after school programs. We have visited and sponsored care points in the Mathare slums in Kenya and in Uganda. Some of their staff actually grew up in the slums where they are serving today. We have seen first-hand the incredible impact they are having on each child and their family.

Mission Statement
Bringing the life-changing message of Jesus Christ to children and families infected with and affected by HIV and AIDS through discipling and care giving, presenting them perfect in Christ Jesus.
The Story Of Christ's Hope International
Since 2003, Christ’s Hope has grown from its roots in Namibia to seven countries in sub Saharan Africa serving over 1,500 AIDS affected orphaned and vulnerable children. Christ’s Hope transitioned from children’s homes to a family-based model of care, helping children remain in families through providing support multiple times each week at our Ministry CarePoints, which provides for children physically, academically, emotionally, spiritually, and socially.
Through Christ’s Hope International’s Ministry CarePoints we provide the life changing care, message of hope, and continuous community support required to meet these needs!

Our Strategy
Our strategy is fulfilled through our amazing partners:
Ministry CarePoint Champions who facilitate the launch of a new CarePoint through their financial support.
A Church Partner steps forward and supports the CarePoint through prayer, advocacy, and sending teams to help at the CarePoint.
Child Sponsors support each child who attends the CarePoint. Our model allows everyone to play a part in sustaining the CarePoint.
Evidence, from Christ’s Hope eSwatini (formally Swaziland) shares a story of encouragement amongst the chaos – "Myself and two other staff members from eSwatini went to deliver
food packages to the grandfather of one of our children who joined the Moyeni Ministry CarePoint just this year in January.

The grandfather was very excited to see us and immediately shared with us how much his granddaughter has changed for the better just within these last few months. He told us how she gathers the other children in their family and leads them in what she calls 'Sunday School' where she shares what she has learned at the CarePoint. The grandfather nearly broke into tears as we came back with food from the car. He was surprised to see how we care for the children, even through times like this during the Coronavirus outbreak, how we still care and have not deserted them."
He said to us;
'I don’t know how my granddaughter has received such grace, but I think it’s the Lord’s doing. May the Lord bless you all as her Care Givers. Bless the fountain that you have taken from, that this source will never grow dry.'
An urgent COVID-19 message from Christ’s Hope International
Caring for the vulnerable during Coronavirus
During this COVID-19 pandemic, through our boredom of stay at home orders and the worry of not having enough toilet paper, we are reminded of our children and families in Africa who are extremely vulnerable to the severity of this virus due to already weak immune systems, not having freezers and pantries stocked up with food, and the lack of quality medical care available to them.
In all of the countries we serve in (Uganda, Tanzania, Kenya, Namibia, South Africa, DR Congo, and eSwatini) businesses and schools have been closed and the communities have been asked to social distance. Because of this, we have also closed our Ministry CarePoints to protect our children and staff from the spread of COVID-19. Our staff is carefully checking in on our children and delivering food packages to the children and families that need it most.
Thankfully, before the closures, our staff was able to be proactive in minimizing the risk of spread and exposure as well as prepare for quarantine and the impact it will have on the children in our care and their families. It’s important to remember that many of the children and families we serve already have compromised immune systems and this virus could be very dangerous to them. Your partnership will allow us to keep serving these vulnerable children during this difficult time.
To learn more about this ministry or to provide financial support, please visit their website by clicking the link or image below.