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The Obria Group - Nationwide

Cause: Serving Pregnant Teens

Kathleen Bravo, Founder & CEO

We first met Kathleen Bravo over 15 years ago when Kathy was volunteering at Toby’s House. When Kathleen started Obria Group (originally Birth Choice), we were especially attracted to their mission of helping to encourage young un-wed pregnant mothers to choose life over abortion. Their mission is especially near and dear to Paul’s heart, as his birth mother made the same decision 65 years ago. Paul was adopted at birth by a wonderful Christian family.
It was easy to see the outstanding job the ministry was doing early on. We encouraged Kathleen to develop a game plan of sharing their best practices with other clinics/pregnancy centers around the country. For years now, Obria has taken a leading role in the development and growth of comprehensive and holistic life-affirming alternatives to the abortion industry and has helped many centers improve the quality of care they provide.
Obria is the first pro-life organization in the U.S. to successfully unify local pro-life clinics under one trademarked national brand, to implement life-affirming services via telemedicine, and to replicate its pro-life medical model into several communities across the nation, including brick-and-mortar clinic locations, mobile clinics, and telemedicine clinics in California, Oregon, Iowa, Georgia, Texas, and Washington.


Pregnancy, especially one that is unplanned, can cause confusion and stress. Obria Medical Clinics focus on educating pregnant women, so they feel they have real-life choices about their pregnancy other than abortion. Obria’s doctors and nurses offer a safe place to ask questions and get answers.

Obria encourages women to choose life for their unborn child and provides them with many resources and support before, during, and after pregnancy. Once a pregnant woman goes through Obria’s process of counseling and support and sees the ultrasound and hears the baby’s heartbeat, 8 out of 10 women will go through with the pregnancy.

The Obria Medical Clinics’ holistic approach provides love and compassionate acceptance, unbiased medical truth, emotional support, and health educational services focusing on the whole woman and the life they carry. This forward-thinking model provides pro-life advantages that Planned Parenthood cannot match. No patient is turned away from Obria for a lack of funds.

Obria Medical Clinics’ model is proven to be five times more effective at reaching men and women than local clinics. Their step-by-step approach to converting these clinics has been increasingly successful on both a local and national scale, allowing us to grow in the number of affiliate clinics, funds secured, and (most importantly) patients served.


In the 48 years since the Roe v. Wade decision and more than 62 million aborted babies later, the traditional pro-life clinic model is at a disadvantage when compared to its counterparts in the abortion industry. With nearly 80% of abortion-vulnerable women looking online to receive care, it’s clear the independent pregnancy clinics’ traditional agencies aren’t reaching the vulnerable women online, who need the services Obria provides most.

Obria is transforming care for women by unifying established pregnancy clinics under a national brand of fully licensed medical clinics.

Obria’s national expansion program entails replicating Obria Medical Clinics’ proven model of affiliated pro-life clinics across the nation and serves the movement by unifying stand-alone pregnancy clinics into a strong, regional, national force.

The Obria model offers well-established, local resource centers a unified force to expand their effectiveness in reaching men and women — and serving those that need quality, compassionate care.

Obria aims to counteract the current culture of death and widespread sexual disease through a unified force; of medical truth, healing, and compassionate care under one recognizable brand and life-affirming medical model. With the launch of our Obria Direct telemedicine app and an already proven digital marketing strategy, Obria and its affiliates can reach millennial and Gen Z women in the palm of their hands, whenever and wherever they might be. Obria prides itself on being efficient, effective, and scalable to meet all people at any stage of their journey. In fact, Obria is becoming a viable, life-affirming alternative to abortion providers on both a local and national level.

Since 1981, Kathleen’s pro-life medical model has helped Obria impact the lives of more than 250,000 young people, mostly between the ages of 14 and 25. In 2006, Obria started to provide licensed medical services throughout several locations in Orange and Los Angeles counties. Since then, Obria Medical Clinics across the nation have served more than 100,000 vulnerable patients and saved more than 8,000 babies and women from experiencing the atrocity of abortion. Obria programs and services are provided in a compassionate and non-judgmental manner to all in need regardless of their ability to pay, creed, race, ethnicity, gender, or age.


Some of the main reasons for Planned Parenthood’s success is its national brand recognition and unified front. This increased name recognition has attracted more attention and awareness than local pregnancy care centers. Despite being associated with protests and controversy, its medical clinic model is more effective at marketing to and serving abortion-vulnerable women in the United States.

It’s clear that unified messaging from a national brand carries a level of trust that women look for in choosing a health care provider. That’s why Obria is working to unify established local resource centers under a national brand and medical model to build a more recognizable name and face.

Building national brand recognition requires meeting women where they are. Because millennials are changing the way health care is offered, effectively reaching them means generating clearer, more unified messaging, digital targeting prowess (by way of search and social media), technological innovation, and investment from a whole community of supporters.

As part of a nationwide network, unifying stand-alone pregnancy clinics into a strong, regional national force, offering its affiliate clinics more services, more funding, and more recognition to attract a greater number of patients. Over the next three years, Obria is projected to grow into hundreds of branded medical clinics to serve more people in more areas with better care.


Providing comprehensive medical care allows Obria to support and build trust with more women. The multidisciplinary and dedicated medical professionals at Obria work as a team to determine and offer individuals at high-risk for abortion and poor health outcomes the best course of action for them to achieve optimal health and well-being. Obria affiliates offer greater access to life-affirming health care services, health education, and supportive services. Being able to offer more services gives women more options in a compassionate, trust-worthy environment.

Abortion Pill Reversal (APR) is one of the services available at Obria medical clinics to counter the effects of RU-486. APR treats young girls and women who want to reverse their medical abortion with progesterone, a natural hormone a woman produces during pregnancy. This treatment has helped hundreds of women successfully reverse medical abortions and continue with a safe, healthy pregnancy. Since 2017, Obria has saved more than 60 babies through our quick response to vulnerable women looking for APR with no increase in birth defects and often healthier pregnancies.

Currently, Obria Medical Clinics are staffed by nearly 100 licensed medical professionals who provide comprehensive care including pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, Pap smears, STD testing and treatment, HIV/AIDS testing, cancer screenings, full prenatal care, abortion pill reversal


Obria gives clinics the ability to triple their funding power with access to grants, insurance reimbursements, and both local and national fundraising dollars. With these resources at their disposal, Obria clinics can attract and serve more women.

Obria has developed a model for caring for women and the life they carry that has won national acclaim and provided comprehensive medical services and alternatives to abortion for thousands of women. It has successfully promoted the truth about the humanity of the pre-born child, defending the right to life from conception to natural death. Obria’s holistic approach provides love and compassionate acceptance, unbiased medical truth, emotional support, high-quality medical care, and health education services.

Obria’s strategic growth model will allow them to onboard 200 medical clinics across the nation by 2025. And that’s only the beginning. By building a vast network of clinics across the country, they’re focused on providing comprehensive, reproductive medical care for more than 125,000 women.

With more services available, Obria clinics can attract and care for more patients than ever before — but they’re not stopping there. Obria is investing in growth initiatives and new programs. Obria is going head-to-head with the abortion industry that previously left patients without alternatives. No woman should ever have to cast a shadow on the doors of an abortion clinic for medical care, nor forced by a loved one again to end the life of her child.

To learn more about this ministry or to provide financial support, please visit their website below.

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