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JesusOnline Ministries - USA

Causes: Evangelism, Discipleship, Equipping;

We have been working with JesusOnline for many years and have assisted with their Polish, Vietnamese, French, German and Korean translation and outreach websites. Their ministry is uniquely cost effective and they are able to reach individuals with the message of Jesus Christ at four cents per person. Moreover, the cost per decision for Christ is $4 per person.
All over the world there are people who have no access to information on Jesus or Christianity. In many countries, women are not allowed in churches and people are restricted from accessing faith based resources. JesusOnline provides a private online platform where people can anonymously get answers to their questions about Jesus and the Christian faith.
We value the Bible-based resources such as articles and compelling videos they provide online. They focus many of their articles and information to non-believers providing them effective answers to vital questions they may have such as “Is Jesus God”, “Man or Myth?” They emphasize developing a spiritual journey and growing in a relationship with Him using Bible study tools, prayer requests and devotions through their JOApp platform.


Our Mission

JesusOnline Ministries uses Internet technologies to help people throughout the world discover who Jesus is, receive Him as Lord and Savior, follow Him wholeheartedly and share Him with others.

What We Do

JesusOnline Ministries uses state-of-the-art Internet technologies, including Google Adwords, to pose questions about Jesus to people throughout the world on thousands of websites, such as Facebook and These questions include:

  • Was Jesus a real person?

  • Is Jesus God?

  • Are the Gospels true?

  • Did Jesus rise from the dead?

  • Was Jesus the Messiah?

  • Is Jesus relevant today?

Those readers whose interest is piqued follow the link to a corresponding article on one of our websites. These free articles present strong evidence about the person of Jesus Christ and for the reliability of the New Testament. Each article takes the reader on a thought-provoking journey, which leads to a comprehensive presentation of the gospel. Visitors are encouraged to submit comments and questions for personal follow up. Additionally, JesusOnline Ministries equips the international church (individuals, missionaries, and pastors) by providing free, downloadable discipleship materials, online Bibles, and other Christ-centered resources. Thousands of these resources have been provided to seekers, believers, and Christian leaders.

Since 2005, JesusOnline has reached more than 78 million people from 241 countries and territories with the truth of Jesus Christ. In 2019 alone, nearly 8.4 million people came to our websites in search of answers to their questions about God. Additionally, an untold number of people have been impacted through the downloadable articles and resources available through our websites. We are on track to reach over 12 million people for the 2020 calendar year.

JesusOnline Ministries seeks to overcome doubt and strengthen faith by answering questions people have about Jesus Christ. We present a more in-depth, yet easy to understand, gospel message for those cultures that have little foundational context for comprehending shorter presentations. The result is countless transformed lives, like Francisco’s from Brazil.

"Since I was a young boy I was living with hypocrisy,

and failed to obey God!! But today, thanks to

what I just read, the Lord Jesus LIGHTED ME!! I left the room

where I lived to LIVE NOW in the Light of God!! "From the darkness to

the DIVINE LIGHT". Today, with this BRIGHT Message from you,

I have been transformed !!!!!!!!! "

-Francisco, Brazil

As of June 2016, there were an estimated 3.6 billion Internet users worldwide. That number is growing exponentially in developing countries, which provides greater opportunity each year to reach a larger number of people with the gospel of Jesus Christ, including those from countries opposed to Christianity.

Reaching Muslims for Christ

JesusOnline now reaches Muslims in every country of the world, including those who speak only Arabic. Its culturally-sensitive articles about Jesus in the Arabic language tell Muslims that Jesus is God, died for their sins, and rose again so they could have forgiveness of sins and eternal life.

JesusOnline has reached over 9 million people for Christ from Muslim-dominated countries!



WE ASK QUESTIONS…using advertisements on thousands of popular websites like Facebook and Through the use of strategically placed online ads, JesusOnline reaches people while they are on the Internet visiting these popular sites. For example, Google places ads where readers will notice them while they read their article of interest. The articles our ads are paired with on these websites typically deal with a subject (such as death) that may prompt thoughts about God in the reader’s mind.

PEOPLE SEEK ANSWERS…to our provocative questions about Jesus. Each ad provides a link for inquisitive readers to click in their search for the answer. Currently, 1 million people a month are intrigued by our questions and go to our website by clicking on the ad.

Our primary outreach website is now available in 11 languages, and advertising is performed in each of these languages. For example, in the video below (click below image), “Did Jesus Rise from the Dead” demonstrates the truth of Jesus’ resurrection, as well as why He died on the cross.


VISITORS FIND THE TRUTH…about Jesus on our outreach websites. As interested people click the ad, they are linked to, one of JesusOnline’s primary outreach websites. There, they encounter compelling articles about the person of Jesus Christ. These articles examine the facts about Jesus from both secular and Christian points of view. They clearly demonstrate that the historical evidence substantiates the claims of Jesus and the reliability of the New Testament. Visitors are then given a comprehensive gospel presentation.

HEARTS RESPOND…when the truth is discovered. We then offer visitors links to online Bibles, free downloadable discipleship materials and other spiritual growth resources. We encourage visitors to submit comments and questions for personal follow up.

To watch the video, click image above

The average cost to reach one person is less than 5 cents! With increased funding, we’re able to place more ads to attract more people to our sites.

To learn more about this ministry or to provide financial support, please visit their website below.

JesusOnline Ministries:


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